Connected Yorkshire


Examples of Connected Bradford projects that have used the data and its Impacts.

Since 2023, the programme has begun to demonstrate the utility of linked data.
Examples of projects that have used the data and its Impacts:

Associations of exposure to air-pollutants and respiratory illness:

This important study received considerable national attention as it demonstrated that a third of GP and half of A&E visits with respiratory conditions were associated with air pollution.


The Classroom Air Cleaning Technology (CLASS-ACT) study, analysed the portable high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in primary schools in Bradford and demonstrated the impact of better ventilation on reducing illness and improving attendance.

electronic Frailty Index 2:

The rapid growth in numbers of older people and increasing prevalence of comorbidity and long-term conditions is one of the challenges to the NHS. The electronic frailty index 2 (eFI2) developed from cBradord is now being rolled out nationally – made in Bradford and saving lives.



Linking health and education data demonstrated how Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) profile was a major predictor of ASD and ADHD diagnosis and special education needs. This has led to a redesign of services to provide early and targeted support, reducing years of delay and improving recording of data.


Health and Environmental impacts:

cBradford has supported the analysis of individual-level environmental exposure measurements in Bradford to better understand the relationship between the built environment and health. This data resource captures the features and qualities of an individual’s environment. Information on air quality, noise levels, amount of traffic, greenness and the number of fast-food outlets. This work led to the recent successful £8 million Healthy Urban Place grant award from the Medical Research Council.