Connected Yorkshire

Connected Bradford Privacy Notice

Connected Bradford and this website is run by staff at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, (registered number Z4838586), whose registered address is at Information Services, Bradford Royal Infirmary, Duckworth Lane, Bradford, BD9 6RJ

This statement relates to the Connected Bradford Health and Education Research Database.

Connected Bradford and this website is run by staff at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, (registered number Z4838586), whose registered address is at Information Services, Bradford Royal Infirmary, Duckworth Lane, Bradford, BD9 6RJ (the “data controller”). Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Data Protection Officer is

Bradford Local Authority and General Practices across Bradford and Airedale share data with Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust as part of the Connected Bradford programme. Connected Bradford aims to use anonymised health and education data about the population to drive new and improved treatments and services. Further information on Connected Bradford is available on the website

Information about your health and care held in your health records is confidential and is not routinely shared. Connected Bradford will use anonymised (de-personalised) data where the information that identifies you has been removed or replaced.  The data will be used in new and innovative ways to determine how ill the population is in your area, whether the services meet your needs and to explore how they can be improved.

Connected Bradford is committed to protecting your privacy at all times and will only use data ethically and lawfully.

The anonymised data (data that does not allow you to be identified) that Connected Bradford shares with other NHS and partner organisations will help them to improve local services, carry out research or audits, and improve public health.