
The Stroke research team at Bradford are dedicated to giving the best possible care to patients.

The stroke team at Bradford are dedicated to giving the best possible care to patients. Research is pivotal for providing evidence to change practice and drive care forward. Patients have the right to be involved with changing practice. All the team, Doctors, Nurses, physio, OT and the outreach team are actively involved in trials.

Bradford has an excellent record of participating in stroke research and continues to have a strong portfolio of stroke trials investigating different aspects of stroke care. The trials cover the patient pathway from acute admission, hospital stay, rehabilitation and into the community.

Stroke Research is being positively promoted to the patient and public.

“Stroke care is committed to evidence based practice. We aim to give every stroke patient the opportunity to be involved in a research trial.”

For all enquiries please contact:

Ruth Bellfield
Stroke Research Sister/ Stroke Research Team Leader

Call: 07944834972

Meet the team

Head of Ageing and Stroke Research Unit, Chair of Geriatric Medicine

Professor Andrew Clegg

Deputy Clinical Lead AIM & Stroke Physician

Numan Khan

Consultant Stroke Physician

Chris Patterson

Consultant Neurologist

Cord Spiker

Senior Research Sister

Ruth Bellfield

Research Sister

Outi Quinn

Stroke Clinical Nurse Specialist

Lisa Swarbreck

Stroke Responder

Angela Ratcliffe

Stroke Responder

Shamim Akhtar