Improvement Academy

The Improvement Academy was established in 2013 as part of the Bradford Institute for Health Research to support innovation and improvement in delivery of health care services.

The Improvement Academy was established in 2013 as part of the Bradford Institute for Health Research to support innovation and improvement in delivery of health care services. We are hosted within the NHS by Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The Academy is the implementation arm of the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration in Yorkshire and Humber and we deliver the Patient Safety Collaborative in partnership with the Health Innovation Yorkshire and Humber.

We are a team of improvement scientists, patient safety experts and clinicians who are committed to working with frontline services, patients, and the public to deliver real and lasting change. We adopt a theory-based approach to improvement that’s practical, tried and tested.

What we do

We focus on evidence-based improvement and have a range of tools and approaches that can help:
Expertise: Behaviour Change, Human Factors , Implementation Science, Quality Improvement, Involving Patients and Staff Experience, Safety Huddles, Teamwork & Safety Culture.
Training: Quality Improvement, Human Factors, Structured Judgement Review and Understanding Data for Healthcare Improvement.
Programmes: Patient Safety Collaborative, Achieving Reliable care for Safety, Lightening the Load, Patient Experience Toolkit, Structured Judgement Review, Safety Huddles
Networks: Just Culture, Sepsis, Patient Safety Collaborative, Regional Mortality, Safety Huddles Coaches
Resources: ABC for Patient Safety Toolkit, Second Victim Support, Yorkshire Contributory Factors Framework, PRASE.

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