The NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Yorkshire & Humber (YH ARC), hosted by the BIHR at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, is pleased to share that the National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR) and the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has confirmed that YH ARC has received an 18-month costed extension, until the end of March 2026. ARC Yorkshire & Humber would like to extend a big thank you to all our partners who contributed to the extension plans.
This extension will enable us to carry on working in collaboration with the leading health and care research expertise from universities, NHS hospital trusts, commissioners, local authorities and other partners across our region to set research priorities, increase public participation in research, and drive the translation of evidence into real health improvements.
Our multidisciplinary team of researchers, health professionals and public contributors is focused on continuing to address the major health challenges faced by our population of 5.4 million people in Yorkshire & Humber. The extension period will contribute to our vision for the next iteration of ARC Yorkshire & Humber beyond March 2026.
For more information about the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Yorkshire & Humber, click here: